
Monday, November 11, 2019

10 Management Tips for Great Leaders

Berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan tim Anda dan menjadikan lingkungan kerja kita tempat yang menyenangkan untuk bekerja membuat tempat kerja dan kehidupan kita jauh lebih menyenangkan.

Dan yang tak kalah penting juga adalah menginspirasi orang lain untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik dan memberikan hasil.

10 tips management untuk great leaders adalah
  1. Share information, communicate the news that you can, so minds don't wander
  2. Say thanks, people want to feel appreciated. A simple thank-you note doesn't cost a thing, and it makes a huge difference
  3. Empower through delegation, we know no one can do it as well as you can, but you need to delegate to give yourself time to a complete tasks more appropriate for your level
  4. Adjust your style, you have many different communication styles and personalities on your team. Don't think that you can manage everyone the same way, and don't assume everyone likes to be managed the way you like managed
  5. Set small milestones, if you can't match last year's numbers, set milestones that can be reached
  6. Have fun, your team wants to enjoy going to work. Play ten minutes.
  7. Remove obstacles, bureaucracy stifles creativity and innovation. Cut down some of the paperwork
  8. Give feedback, your direct reports want feedback, and it's crucial in making your team as productive as possible
  9. Raise your hand, when your people see you putting in extra hours, they are inspired to jump in and follow your lead
  10. Focus your time, it's the old 80:20 principle. Focus the majority of your time and attention on the 20% of your people and projects that generate 80% of your results.

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